The Call

“Then they said to one another, ‘We are not doing right. This is the day of good news and we remain silent.” 2 Kings 7:9

Billy Graham said, “You are called, I am called to stand in the ruins of the City of Man and proclaim the Truth of the City that God is building.”

The Lord Jesus calls us saying, “If anyone would come after Me let Him deny Himself, take up His cross, and follow Me.”

This call to discipleship (a follower, a learner) brings us into living fellowship with the Lord and other members of the Body of Christ – to be built up in love.

In addition, this call is to be His witnesses – sharing the Life of Christ here on earth while on our way to heaven. One very important aspect of sharing His life is bringing the good news to those who are lost.

“The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10

Our nation is imploding – having largely lost its way. Born again Christians, alone, have the only message of Hope – we must bring this message to a lost and dying world. MISSIONFIELDUSA.COM excursions are to largely unreached areas of the United States. The aim is to share the good news through handing out gospel booklets, gospel tracts, one-on-one evangelism, preaching, worship music, the Jesus Film, and many other divinely appointed opportunities.

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